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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Candy for YOU!!

In celebration of my 1 year Blogoversary, YOU get the presents!!  It's only for those of you who visit, follow and leave me comments.  I want to THANK YOU for making this all so much fun.   I've made more friends from all over this world than I could have ever expected.  And honestly that's been my favorite part in doing this blog, making new friends.  Your sweet comments really brighten my day and I love reading each one of them.  So this is for YOU!!  I'm also hoping this blog candy will help me make some new friends.  

Here's what you'll get:

(1) Belles 'n Whistles Stamp (from the Snowbabies Collection)
(1) Tim Holtz Tattered Florals die
(1) The Greeting Farm ~ Forest Friends
(1) Your Next Stamp ~ Pierrce from France 
(from the new World Kid Collection) 
(3) Ciao Copic Markers (R29, R27, R22)
** And a few extra goodies that I'll throw in before mailing!!

And here's what you need to do:

*  Be or become a follower
(I currently have 314 - you each will be given two entries)

*  Display and link my blog candy on your sidebar
(Thanks for spreading the word ~ I hope to make lots of new friends)

* Visit me once before the blog candy is over and leave me a comment.
(Leaving a comment on this post DOES NOT COUNT!!)

*  Enter your name with Mr. Linky below
(only 1 entry)

Okay, that's it!!  Thanks again to all of you who already visit me and Welcome to those of you who are new!!  I hope you like what you see on my blog and that you'll come back.
Blog Candy Ends: April 1, 2011   



Tanya said...

Congrats on your blogaversary Wendy!
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!!!!
Linked it on my blog and I'm your old follower (love your cards :)

Wendy ten Hove said...

Congratulations!!! I'm not suprised you have so many followers, you make such wonderful creations and also YOU AS WELL leave just the sweetest comments, love that! I'm happy that you are happy with your blog and meeting new friends, it's the best!! I follow your blog with a lot of pleasure and it's so sweet you are giving away these lovely goodies! That deer is the cutest! Love to make a chance on this and I'll surely promote you!
Hugs, Wendy

Larisa said...

Congrats on your blogaversary Wendy! Thanks for nice candy))) I linked it on sidebar.

Isha Gupta said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary Wendy. Thanks for giving a chance to win this special Candy.

Pedacinhos di Pano by Claudia said...

Hi Wendy!

What a beautiful candy, they copic'm crazy and I'm not.
Congratulations on the anniversary of the blog.
I was already his follower, has also posted on the sidebar

Thanks for the chance to win this candy.

Hugs from Brazil.

Tanya said...

Big congrats on your Blogoversary! Thank you so much for the chance to win! I already follow you and have added to my sidebar :D

Alica said...

congrats to your blogaversary! Great candy - would love to win it!

Tracy Valure said...

Sweet!! I can't wait to meet you this weekend!! Soooo excited about all of it! I'm getting some candy blog-anniversary is coming up too! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!! Congrats on your blogaversary hun!! :) I already follow, will have no problem leaving you another comment! LOL!! And I've added you in my sidebar! Thanks for sharing this sweetie!!HUGS

Henriëtte said...

Congrats on your blogaversary.
Nice candy. Thank you for the chance to win!!
Hugs Henriëtte

iriseyes said...

Congratulations, Wendy! I just love your projects, and have hi-lighted many of them in my "best" category .I have been reading your blog in RSS for months, but didn't realize that didn't make me a "follower"..DUH! :) But I've signed up now, so I'm official! Thanks for the chance to celebrate your Blogoversary with this awesome candy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Wendy on your anniversary at blogging...

I'm happy I'm an old follower, thanks for offering a yummy candy :)
I added it in my sidebar


Pattie said...

Congrats on One Year! I hope there are many more to follow! Linking up your candy next and thanks for a chance to win some great loot!
*one of your biggest fans ;)

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
congrats to one year blogging hun
your candy is amazing
i've linked it on my sidebar
i'm already a follower sweetie
thank you so much for this cahnce to win hunni
hugs angelique

scrapn_momof2 said...

Hi Wendy,

Congrats on one year of blogging fabulousness!! I am a old I mean follower and have your info on my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.


Debby said...

Congratulations on you Blogaversary! I wanted to say your coloring is absolutely beautiful...I have just started and have a lot to learn. I'm waiting for mt X-press blender card to get here, cause the paper I use bleeds and the ink smears with the copics. Yours are stunning! thanks for the chance to win!

Lorraine said...

congrats on your blogaversary huni i love your candy its fabulous,I already follow and your blog and creations are gorgeous i have put your candy in my sidebar thankyou xx

~Olga said...

Congrats! I'm a new follower and I love your coloring work, it's fabulous, especially the "Have a Safe Trip" her Hat Bow it lovely colored!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Wendy, how are you doing, hope you are well!! I'm afraid I've not been round that often lately, I had to start working full time again after having been home ill for 6 months and on top of that in a new school and different type of education, so I'm afraid my blogging time is very limited at the moment. But I still come round now and again, can't miss seeing your wonderfull creations! HUgs, Frea

Paula (PEP) said...

Congratulations on your anniversary - it's a delight to have contact with you & I learn much from your creations & style, & you encourage me hugely with your comments on my own blog. Your friendship is one of the very valuable things I gained from the Guest DT period with WOJ.
Much love
Paula (PEP)

Anita said...

Congrats on your anniversary Wendy. said...

Congrats on your blogaversary huni i love your candy it's fabulous.I'm a new follower and your blog and creations are gorgeous i have put your candy in my sidebar! Hugs, Iryna. xxx

CraftinGranny said...

Congrats Wendy!! I'm already a follower and I'm heading on over to my blog to post your candy.

It's my 2nd year coming up so I have candy too. Hope you'll stop by. "Hugs" Carol

Carole RB said...

Hi Wendy

Congrats on your first blogoversary. I'm already a follower but I don't have a blog. I'll spread the word among my friend by email. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this super blog candy.

Have a nice evening!

Noddy said...

Hi Wendy,

Congratulation! Thank you for this candy...

~Jeri~ said...

Happy Blogoversary Wendy!!! I have happily added your candy to my sidebar and you know I'll be leaving comments lol Ya can't get rid of me unfortunately!! Thank you for giving me so much inspiration over the past year and I cherish our friendship that I've gained through it!

Larisa said...

Wendy, congrats on your blogaversary!!!
Thanks for nice candy) I linked it on sidebar.
Hugs. Larisa. xx

Annelies said...

Happy Blogoversary Wendy! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win great candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Susan said...

Hi Wendy, I am glad to meet you, as your blog is soooo very pretty and my little bit of snooping around has made me smile! I am a follower now and I will be back!

You are all linked up :)


izunika said...

Congrats on your blogaversary.
Sweet candy. Thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs Iza

Sylvia Blum said...

Hey sweetie, what an adorable blog candy! Who what not be super happy to win these gorgeous goodies you have for grabs :)
I'm a follower for ages now and you know I'm a huge fan of your work! Keep up the good work, hunnie!
{hugs} Sylvia
PS: Not posted your candy yet.. but will do it in the next hour! After this I will put myself to the link list ;-)

Gloria Westerman said...

Just found you blog thru Patti Painter.....what an awesome candy....I've place it on my sidebar and I'm #331 follower....thank you for the chance....

Sopheea said...

Congrats! this is a very cute blog

Megan said...

Congrats! more blogs this year

Unknown said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary:-) Best Regards from Poland !

Desirée-ScrapDees said...

wowie what a great candy, love to take a chance for it!

Notes by Nina said...

Congrats on your blogaversary.Your coloring is fabulous.

Melissa said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. I just have to say again, you did a fabulous job on your project for the hop!! Simply amazing!

I agree with you, the most wonderful part about blogging is meeting wonderful people and making friends!

Melanie said...

Congrats on your blogaversary Wendy!
I came to your site as you won the Papertake Weekly Challenge... But I have to say that I love your cards & things you've created.
They'Re amazing!!!

Маги said...

Congrats on your blogaversary!Thank you for the chance to win!:)

mom2fivekiddos said...

Awesome blog! I can't find Mr. Linky though, and don't have any idea how to add you to my blogs sidebar. I am a follower though!

Ani said...

Nice candy! Congrats on your blogaversary! I'm your new follower and added a link of the candy to my blog too.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary. I'm a new follower and I have a link on my sidebar.

Tina Mayo said...


ok I think I completed the tasks..except I created a post instead of sidebar..hope thats ok..that way all of my subsribers get it in there email..

Stempelkobold said...

Happy blogaversary! thank you so much for the chance to win! Your creations are a real inspiration to me.

Aluap said...

Wendy, congrats on yout bloganiversary :) And thanks for this great candy :)

NanaConnie said...

Congratulations on your first blogaversary! I've only had mine up for a little over a month but am truly enjoying blogland. Thanks for the great opportunity to win blog candy. :-)

Annika said...

Happy 1 years blog-birthday! :)

I have become a follower and I have linked to your blog from my sidebar!


Sarah said...

Congratulations, Wendy! I am a new blogger and am enjoying meeting so many new friends. I have been reading your blog and finding so much inspiration from all your lovely projects. Hugs

Trish and Treasure said...

Hi Wendy,
Thanks so much for the chance to win your amazing blog candy and sharing your joy of papercrafting!

Emy83 said...

Felice di partecipare! I compleanni dei blog vanno festeggiati! Scrivo in italiano perchè in inglese sono una frana! Tornerò a visitarti! Ti link alla mia pagina! ciao ciao Anna

Germana said...

Hi Wendy!!!! Congrats on your blogaversary!!!
Thank you for the chance to win such a nice candy!!!! Hugs! Germana

Barbara said...

'Congrats on your glogoversary. I am now a follower. I am so glad that I found your blog! Have posted your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for giving us the chance to win this awesome prize. XX

sallysbitz2 said...

Congratulations on your 1yr Blogaversary x

I am a new follower, thanks for the chance of winning x

hugs sally x

MILA25 said...

Congratulations on the anniversary. I wish you many more.
Hugs from Poland Mila :)

Michela said...

This Candy is fantastic!!
Thank you for this opportunity!

Michela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emy83 said...

Buon anniversario!!!! anna

Kate said...

Congratulations! If I do happen to win, I might need a trip to Florida thrown in to teach me how to colour!!
I added your giveaway to my blog but the picture seems too big and I'm not sure what to do. It does link correctly though.
Thanks for having such a wonderful blog. I really am inspired by your work and by you as a person, Wendy. You are a lovely soul.

Unknown said...


lovely blog ;)

i have added myself as a follower :)

thanks for a change to win :)

have a great day from mel ;)

my blog is:

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Wendy, happy blogoversary. It's amazing how time can fly in the blogging world when you are having fun. I have become a follower, put a link in my sidebar and would love to be included in the blog candy draw. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Jennifer Perkins said...

thanks for the blog candy... am now one of ur followers. :o) Jennifer

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Happy Blogaversary! I do follow and I'd love to win. I still have a tiny candy up til the 23rd.

Rosa Forino said...

Well congratulations on your blogaversary!
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
saluti dall'italia public slidebar on
Hugs, rosa
i am old follower ;-)
blog creative:

Yoshiras time to craft said...

thanks for the chance to your copic coloring you do an a amazing your newest follower.

Unknown said...

I am a new follower. Link to Mr. Linky became a follower, now going to post it on my sidebar. Good Luck with followers, Hugs! Leah Ann

Mandy said...

Happy Blogversary Wendy, thanks for offering this gorgeous candy :)
I'm an old stalker and I'm off to link up now
hugs Mandy xx

Unknown said...

Sorry for my ignorance but i am clueless on how to display your badge on my sidebar.....can you please guide me . I have been a follower for sometime aleady and love your creations and also the fact that your last name is very Indian

Mona`s Bittelille Scrappekrok said...

A big congrats on your blogversary! So nice of you to offer some candy. I looove fatfree candy, lol. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I have posted you in my right sidebar.


Vickie said...

Congrats on being 1 year old on your blog and Thanks for the blog candy.

rubi said...

A lot of congratulations this great year, and for this opportunity to win your candy already I am your segidor and pretty blog I am charmed with me!!

Sabina said...

Congratulations on your Blogoversary!! Now I'm a follower and tour fab candy is on my sidebar!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations wendy on your blog-anniversary ! What a great pile of candy to offer!
Yes,most of us, could'nt imagine making as many friends,as we have thru blogs and facebook !!
I have placed your blog candy in my blog post. Please follow this link to see it.
I am new to your blog but looking forward to many new learning experiences during the year!

elizajagoda said...

Gratulacje z okazji rocznicy.

Pozdrawiam z Polska

Veronica Z said...

Big congrats on your blogaversary! I am happy to be a new follower! I also posted a picture of your candy on my sidebar! Thank you!

Rosalee said...

Great giveaway Wendy. I am already a follower and have been for some time now. Thanks for the great chance
Hugs, Rosalee

Sudha said...

Congrats on your blogaversary dear. I m a new follower of ur blog, likes ur creations. Count me, in to the blog candy too as I also love to make new friends around the world too n love to know n enjoy their traditions n culture too.


Sudha said...

I also post ur blog candy on the side bar of my blog too.


Era85 said...

Happy blogoversary! This is very beautiful candy!

My blog:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!! Would love to win so I can give stamping a try, love all the wonderful inspiration!!
miller896042 at bellsouth dot net

MiamiKel said...

Awww, happy blessed Blogaversary to you! How beautiful is your blog - so much inspiration and creativity in one spot :) I'm also in Florida, wayyyy down south in Tropical South Florida, perfect for crafting the days away! Your candy is generous and sweet - thank you for the oppty .. I have you on my sidebar, I'm a follower and will be sure to stop in!
Blesings! x0x0

martina's kaartjes said...

Congratulations !!!! this is great ! I'm a follower for a while now... I think I left in the past time, a comment or more....
Thanks for this opportunity ! really great candy !
have a nice week,
greetings, martina

Leanne said...

I'm already a follower. Thanks for the opportunity. I've linked it to my blog.

Kleine85 said...

oh wow, I love this candy. would really love to win. happy bloaversary :) I am a follower now and I linked you to my sidebar

Hugs Tanja

mitch1066 said...

Isnt the internet a wonderful place,so many wonderful crafters from around the world sharing their creativity !!
Im a follower and i posted on my sidebar at

Hannapanna said...

Happy Blogaversary! And thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy. I definitely will stopping by here a lot of other times, love your creations. Just gorgeous! Hugs, Hanna

Magali said...

thanks for the chance to your copic coloring you do an a amazing your newest follower.


mom2fivekiddos said...

I love your creations! You blog is GORGEOUS!!!! I love the color combo! I am a follower!

Evik said...

Hi Wendy,Happy Blogaversary~! ANd thank you for this candy...

Manon @ Kasimodo said...

Congrats to your blogaversary! Great candy!!!

LittleNasty said...

Congrats to your blogaversary!
What a beautiful candy!

Crafterkhush said...

Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary... great candy.. Thanks a ton..!!

cowboydutrem said...

Happy blogaversary! And thanks for a chance at this nice candy! It is now linked in my sidebar.

Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary, hope you have many many year of grat blogs xx

Mary Duffek said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary! I found your blog through someone else and love, love, love your designs. Fun blog too! Thanks for a chance to win you blog candy and I will be back to visit often. Blessings.

Cyndi S said...

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Hope I linked your bloga candy correctly, I cannot figure out how to put it on my side bar.

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Big Congrats on your Blogoversary, Wendy! So sweet of you to bless someone else with such amazing goodies!
Huggies ~

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to your blog birthday! Wish you much more visitors here too!

You show great work here

crafty amy said...

I am one of the new people :D and I am so glad I found your blog.
Thank you for all the inspiration and for the chance to win this yummy candy.

Amy xx

Anonymous said...

congratulation!you have a nice blog and i will have this candy :-))))
loves angie

Emy83 said...

sono tornata a trovarti! un abbraccio anna emy83

mariska said...

Congrats on your blogaversary Wendy!
And thanks for this chance to win this beautiful candy. I became a follower and your candy is in my sidebar.

Hugs mariska

Sharon Huffman said...

Congrats on your blogaversary and thanks for the chance to win! Am linked on my sidebar and following and will be back after April 1st to leave more love for you!

~fairygirlmichelle~ said...

congrats you got some super cute blog candy going. i got it linked i got it followed now all i got to in my blog, i did mr. linky now all to do is visit and post a comment. well i'll prolly do that a few times. :)

Ericka said...

congrants your bog its such pretty, and thanks for the chance to win this candy

my name is Ericka from mexico city, i invite you to visit my blog

** Line** said...

A wonderful blog- I found you about Tanja´s Blog...and the candy is so great- thanks for the chance to win...
hugs from Germany Line

Hussena said...


Ute said...

Hi, thanks for the chance to win! I am a follower of your Blog und posted your link at my sidebar!

monica said...

sono una tua nuova seguace italiana...bellissimo blog...auguri x il tuo mi vieni a trovare sul mio blog sarei felice...grazie di cuore

Antonella said...

I, happy blog-aniversary!
Fantastic blog candy....Thanks for the chance.
Ciao from Italy

Agnieszka said...

I follow the blog, and I would LOOOOVE to win! :)


Alice said...

congrats! and thanks for a chance to win this beautiful candy!

mapowska said...

Happy birthday to your blog! :)
And thank you for this nice candy :)
Greetings from Belgium!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary :) Thanks for giving a chance to win this special Candy.

Anonymous said...

thank you for this chance!!!
Bye GiBi from Rome

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar and i'm already a follower.....


Arlene said...

I've tried about 5 times to link your blog candy on my sidebar, so I'm giving up doing that, but I do think it's worthwhile to send people your way, so I made a post to link back here.

Happy BlogAversary!

Sheree said...

Congratulations on your blogversary! LOVE your blog and am so glad I found you!
I'm a follower and have your link on my sidebar!
Thanks for being so generous!!

Jacilynn said...

congrats! i've been a follower for a while. And love your blog. Thanks for the chance at this sweet candy!

Brenna said...

congrats on your bloggaversary!! I am a new follower!!! and glad to be one!! thanks for the chance to win!!

Erum Tasneem said...

Hey! Your candy has been added in the Blog Candies section at Feline Playful! Hope you get lots of traffic via Feline Playful blog!

Apart from this, I have also included your candy on my personal blog's sidebar and now I am a follower.

Simonne said...

Congrats darling and thanks for the chance so win!

Paola said...

wonderful blog candy, i've including your blog candy on the my blog at this link bye Paola

Ukka said...

Happy Blogoversary!Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. I'm already a follower... and now the pic is up on my blog.

bissecat said...

Sorry my first link get grong way.Happy anniversary and greetings from Finland.

Lori Aragon said...

Oh sweet you are! I see that I'm just sliding in before this closes :)

I'm your new follower...and will post on my Candy Alert! Page.

So glad to meet you, and hope that we can get to know each other better :)

Love n hugs,

Message Keeper said...

Happy Blogoversary and may your followers grows!

Koraliki Beaty said...

Wendy so sweet things You want to give away :)

I love stamps

Greetings from Poland

Bea said...

Happy blogaversay - I am enjoying looking at your blog as I am a new follower having just found you. Great giveaway too so will keep my finger crossed. Know what you mean about new blog friends I am fairly new at this but am enjoying it.

Stuff-n-Such By Lisa said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary Wendy!
I just now found your blog today, through a blog hop! Wish I had discovered you sooner, but I am now a forever follower!

Anonymous said...

i love your blog. so many nice things.

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